As you know, people who rely heavily on credit are especially vulnerable to unexpected expenses. Many times. an entire family will suffer significant financial setbacks when a loved one dies unexpectedly.
Funerals and related expenses can cause intense physical and emotional hardships on the surviving family members.
1Surance offers a variety of “No Advice” funeral insurance products that help protect families against unexpected deaths. Most families are able to afford the small monthly premiums and these policies offer them protection against high funeral expenses in the future.
We partner with businesses like yours to market these policies. Your clients get peace of mind and a valuable service. You get another reliable income stream.
1Surance pays high commissions. We handle all of the processing and payment of claims.
Becoming our partner is easy and costs you nothing. There is a real need for funeral insurance products among your customers. We want to work with you to meet that need. We not only provide you with a reliable and useful product, but we also help you with marketing materials and information.
If you want to better serve your clients and add a new income stream to your business, contact us today.
We will walk you through our products, the process of becoming an authorized partner, explain the commission structure in more detail, and answer any of your questions.
Don’t let this business opportunity pass you by.